Sunday 21 December 2014

Oreo Milkshake


You Will Need:                                       
1 pack of Oreos,                                 
200g Ice Cream                                 
500 ml MIlk
3x Cup

1. Pour the Oreos into the blender but leave one
2. Add the Ice Cream
3. Pour in the milk
4. Blend until coarse like sand
5. Pour into cups
6. Place Oreo on the glasses like a lemon

This recipe makes 3 big portions,(as pictured above), or 6 smaller portions. Enjoy!!! =)

Saturday 20 December 2014


Bulling is a hard thing to cope with, trust me, I know. People will tell you that bullies bully because they're scared, jealous you name it. But the real reason is that they are plain mean. I once said to a bully: "Yeah it's okay. It's not like I have feelings or anything." cause I thought it would shut them up. But I thought wrong. They just laughed and ran off. 
Bullies will bully you if they really don't like you. But you mustn't let it get you down. Once my sister was being bullied and my Mum told her not to give them a reaction because if you don't react they will get bored and leave you alone. Comment down below if you've ever been bullied. Bye! =)   

Friendship Groups

A lot of kids at school these days feel the need to create friendship groups to have stronger relationships. Some people are kicked out of groups and can't find one. A lot of girls create the "Cheerleader" group to make them look more attractive and so they can gossip and talk about people behind their backs. Others create the "Sporty" group which is usually boys and they play football everyday without fail. Many boys make the "Cool" to try and make themselves look cool but just end up looking like jerks. Me myself, I'm kind of caught up in the middle. Comment down below what group you're in. Bye!!!! =)

Friday 19 December 2014

Getting through hard times

As a dancer, when you're stressed, scared upset or angry, all you want to do is dance. If you have had a fight with your friend or family member, you'll want to dance. If you have had a panic attack and are terrified it will happen again, dancing will solve it. If you have had had a hard school day, lose yourself in the music. Comment down below if you dance and if so, what type? Also, when I'm upset I feel that thinking about Unicorns really helps. My Mum really likes to sow and she once made me a pillow with Unicorns on it. It really helps me sleep. Weird, but true. Be sure to comment and read all my other posts. Bye!!!!! =)

Thursday 18 December 2014

Hello, World!

Hi! My name is Seth, and I’m starting this blog because give advice and do DIY instructions  Now, I am a dancer, I’m 10 years old, (soon to be 11), I live in Yorkshire, I love Unicorns, I’m really quirky and I love to travel. My favorite food is cheese or Nutella, My favorite meal is Toad in the Hole and my favorite drink is either tea or an Oreo milkshake at Moo. My least favorite food is lasagna  (makes me feel sick thinking about it), my least favorite drink is Coke. I have three sisters, the oldest, let’s call her Bat, the middle one, let’s call her Jem and the youngest, let’s call her Ween. Thank You for listening, reading whatever, and please comment your favourite food. Bye!!!! =)