Sunday 25 January 2015


These days, society is extremely demanding. Here is a list of what society demands from 10-18 year old girls:

  1. You always have to look amazing.
  2. You have to be popular.
  3. Puberty leads to the spottiest years of your life, (making number 1 impossible,).
  4. Boys have to be attracted to you.
  5. Everyone has to know you.
  6. If you're ugly, you have makeup
Here is a list of what society demands of 10-18 year old boys.

  1. You have to be cool.
  2. You have to look cool.
  3. You have to talk cool.
  4. You have to walk cool.
  5. You have to do cool things.
  6. Girls have to love you.
  7. Everyone has to know you.
  8. If you're ugly, you're toast.
 As you can see, it's hard to cope with. But, if you do what you want to do, some people will accept it. Others won't. You can't help it. They can. Their loss. Always have friends to have your back. My friends have got me through a lot. Comment your own little quirkyness down below. Bye!!! =)

Saturday 24 January 2015

Coke Float

Coke Float

You Will Need:
2 cans of Coke
4 scoops of ice cream
2 glasses

Step 1:
Pour the coke in to the two glasses.
Step 2:
Next, scoop 2 of the ice cream scoops into each glass
Step 3:
Serve and Enjoy

Icecream Sandwiches

You Will Need:
4 scoops ice cream 
8 cookies
Icecream scoop

Step 1:
Scoop 4 scoops of ice cream.
Step 2:
Take the cookies and place the ice cream on 4 of the cookies and flatten it out.
Step 3:
Place the other cookies on top of the ice cream and cookies.
Step 4:
Serve and Enjoy!!!

Thursday 22 January 2015


Hello Again!!! Sorry I haven't written in ages, I just had masses to do. But I'm back now! Anyway, so you may be thinking "Outsiders, what a stupid thing to talk about" but really it's quite important to me. In some friendship groups people might have fights with the ringleader and get kicked out of the group and another sticks up for the person that got kicked out and ends up getting kicked out too. In others, everyone's really tight and don't have fights, (not to each other's faces at least). This can be a big problem in primary school, middle school, secondary school, high school. So if you're in one of these groups, don't stand for it. You have your own opinion, choice, voice, You can do anything you want. So try to accomplish your own goal. Promise yourself to try, okay. Bye!!!